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Developing Your Voice in Fiction and Non-Fiction
Meet Your Tutor (4:14)
Module 1: The Writer’s Voice – The Macro Level
Introduction: The Macro Level
Mining the Self
How I Lost, and Reconnected to, My Voice
Exercise: Consider How Your Self Can Shape Your Voice
The Enemies of Voice
Exercise: Avoid Sentimentality I
Exercise: Avoid Sentimentality II
Module 2: The Writer’s Voice – The Micro Level
Introduction: The Micro Level
Your Unique Vocabulary
Exercise: Your Vocabulary
Powerful Sentences
Exercise: Your Words and Sentences
Exercise: Find Your Specificity
Module 3: Strategies for Developing and Sustaining Your Writer’s Voice
Tools for Your Toolkit
Exercise: Keep a Notebook
Exercise: Omit Clichés
Exercise: Develop Self-Talk
Exercise: Peruse Dictionaries
Exercise: Speak Your Writing
Exercise: Write for Someone
Exercise: Practising Free Flow Writing
Reading Resources
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Last Words
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Course evaluation survey
Exercise: Your Words and Sentences
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