Welcome Video

We have included a transcription of the video below:

Hi, I’m Aleesah Darlison, and I’m an award-winning children’s author. In the last 10 years, I’ve published over 50 books for children including picture books, chapter books, novels, and series. Anything for children from the age of three up to the age of 14, I’ve written and published stories that suit.

If you haven’t already familiarised yourself with my work, it’s probably a good idea to do so. You can find out about my books on my website aleesahdarlison.com and my books are available for borrowing at libraries and for purchasing online and through bookstores.

You may have already undertaken my Getting Started with Picture Books course, and if so, I hope you found it useful. That course provides aspiring and emerging authors with a solid foundation to start creating their own picture book stories. This course, Editing and Submitting Your Picture Books, builds on the previous course, taking us further along the path towards publication.

You might have a manuscript or two already drafted or you might be about to start writing. Whatever stage you’re at is perfectly fine. In this course, I will take you to the next level with the writing and editing of your picture book manuscripts. I’ll also explain what to do next, and how to submit your stories to publishers.

I have lots of things to share with you, so let’s begin!

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