Welcome to Writing and Editing Digital Texts with Pamela Hewitt

Today, all texts can be – and usually are – digital. This means that writers need to understand the digital world and decide how they want to participate in it.

You don’t need to be a techie to publish and publicise your text on a variety of digital platforms. By working through the practical, accessible hands-on exercises in this course, you’ll expand the options available to you.

This course will help you understand new and emerging digital technology in a range of formats, from websites to plain vanilla ebooks, from enhanced ebooks to apps. For most writers and publishers, parallel print and digital publication is the most viable option but there is a dazzling array of other ways to publish, taking advantage of digital advances.

In Writing and Editing Digital Texts, you’ll learn about the changing publishing processes that go into digital editing and publishing. Understanding these developments is fundamental to knowing how you can present your blog or podcast or story on a range of screens, the so-called device-agnostic approach.

Maybe you’re keen to explore the digital possibilities for texts you’ve already written – novels, novellas, short stories, poetry, self-help, memoir – or any other subject area and genre.

The business model for publishing is transforming along with the technology. Writers are well advised to know their way around digital contracts, advances and royalties, and digital rights management. For those who haven’t yet landed a contract with a mainstream publisher, we weigh up the pros and cons of taking the DIY self-publishing route or working with a packager.

Digital possibilities don’t stop with the publication of your novel or article or collection of stories. There’s also the essential work of getting your writing before readers. An effective online presence helps publicise your writing and fosters a following for your work. We’ll look at ways writers can use digital techniques in marketing on social media and author websites. 

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